Due to the quarantine I’m not able to go anywhere. My camper was half packed. I had everything except for food and medical supplies in my camper and ready to leave on a trip when the quarantine for Covid 19 hit and I decided not to go anywhere to stay safe at home.
So I have been reading books on my tablet, cooking different foods and try a new recipes and sharing them with friends and Neighbors, and talking on the telephone. It’s hard to It’s hard to believe it’s already November and the end of the year is rapidly approaching.
The good part is I have been able to reconnect using different online applications and able to visit with friends in different states and make new friends in states that I have not been to . So that’s been interesting. I just decided to add I just decided to add this post so you know I am still alive and doing okay for the most part still have some health issues but I’m surviving them and I’m grateful for so many things I have so much to be grateful for and I feel very blessed and humble. I wish all of you good health and happiness always.
Hi Carol ! Just wanted to pop in here and wish you a happy New Year … may
2021 bring you the chance to travel again and find new horizons to discover and happiness along the way. Think about you quite often … happy to read that your health is keeping steady and that you have been able to reconnect with friends old and new using online apps ! Keep well and all the best to you for the New Year ! I look forward to reading more of your adventures once that camper of yours takes to the road ! Joan xx