After being away helping at the farm for two months I am back home. Here are some more photos that I took a day or so before I left the farm. The three little piglets have been growing and exploring and now will let us pet them. They have been interacting with the dogs and other animals and also still cuddling up with each other when they sleep. It has been fun watching them grow and get braver. And when they eat they have to all get into the food dish at the same time and climb over each other. Even if there are multiple dishes they want the same one.
I am glad I left when I did, a few weeks later Hurricane Michael went through the Florida Panhandle and through Tallahassee and north where the farm is and they lost electricity for almost three weeks. Thankfully, the only damage was to some trees, no animals or people were injured there.
hello Carole, this is Pat Flores from the MILD HOGS.
haven’t written in a while, been busy being retired.
anyway, hope to find you in good spirits and health.
drop me a line once in a while. (that is a zero not the letter o)