La Conner, WA Canoe Journey

I am in the town of LaConner, WA which is about 90 miles south of Vancouver and across the river from the canoe journey, which arrives this afternoon after a several week paddle through numerous cities and towns.

I am using the computer at the regional library. There is a table with 6 computers around it, but I am grateful for the internet access.  I just wanted to let everyone know I am okay and enjoying my trip.  I will try and find a place with wi-fi sometime next week so I can update my website and let you know what I experienced at this canoe journey, and also the Muckleshoot pow wow.

Yesterday, July 24th, the sun actually came out an it was almost 80 degrees.  Today it is rainy and cloudy and probably in the high 60s or maybe 70.

I will write more when I can.

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1 Response to La Conner, WA Canoe Journey

  1. Laura says:

    Where are we headed after the canoe trip???

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